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25 october 2019
Medical Innovation Exhibition 2019.
25 october 2019
3 september 2019
Nanobone was implanted into the hip in Buryatia
3 september 2019
2 september 2019
«First-class performance» in orthopedic surgery
2 september 2019
6 may 2019
On April 30, 2019 in Buryatia the Ministry of Health of the Buryat Republic held the Republican conference of doctors trauma orthopedists.
6 may 2019
3 july 2018
Defense Industry Complex of Russia — New Opportunities for the Medical Industry
3 july 2018
8 august 2018
In traumatological hospital neurosurgeons introduce innovative methods in surgical treatment of dorsopathy
8 august 2018
16 april 2018
From April 11 to Aprill 13, 2018 in the Saint Petersburg EXPOFORUM halls took place the XI National Congress of trauma orthopedists.
16 april 2018
25 december 2017
“Russian Health Care Week – 2017”
25 december 2017
20 november 2017
November 17 - 19, 2017 in St. Petersburg...
20 november 2017
19 november 2017
On November 13-18, 2017 in the city of Yakutsk the VIII National Congress with the international participation "Ecology and Human Health in the North" took place.
19 november 2017
16 november 2017
On November 14-16, 2017 in Moscow in the international exhibition center CROCUS EXPO the XXI RUSSIAN ONCOLOGICAL CONGRESS took place.
16 november 2017
27 october 2017
A scientific and practical conference in RSRI of TO n.a. R.R.Vreden
27 october 2017
25 october 2017
The VI Congress of National Phthisiatricians Association took place
25 october 2017
15 december 2016
In ISCST the seminar concerning a nanostructured carbonaceous implants took place…
15 december 2016
28 october 2016
Medical Product ‘Carbon Bone-Filling (Bone-Substituting) Implant’ included in the list of medical devices implanted in the human body in medical assistance provided within the program of state guarantees
28 october 2016
3 august 2016
Article dedicated to the analysis of carbon nanostructured implant application experience in traumatology and orthopedics published in the latest issue of the Bulletin of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorov
3 august 2016
18 december 2015
Article ‘Carbon Nanostructured Implants – Innovative Product for Traumatology and Orthopedics’ published in the Bulletin of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorov scientific magazine
18 december 2015
18 november 2015
Certificate of the international GMDN Agency on the creation and registration of a new type of medical device obtained by NanoTechMed Plus
18 november 2015
5 october 2015
NanoTechMed Plus in the Sochi 2015 International Investment Forum
5 october 2015
21 september 2015
Carbon nanostructured implants included in the protocol of clinical trial by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
21 september 2015
2 september 2015
Agreement on joint activities signed with the S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
2 september 2015
1 june 2015
NanoTechMed Plus in the 6th Congress of the Association of Vertebrologists (Krasnodar)
1 june 2015
21 april 2015
Meeting on the organization of the National multicenter clinical study ‘Use of carbon nanostructured implants in long tubular bone surgery’
21 april 2015
3 february 2015
Memorandum on joint activities signed with the SOGAZ International Healthcare Center
3 february 2015
3 december 2014
Agreement signed with the Novosibirsk Scientific-Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after Y.L. Tsivyan of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
3 december 2014
28 november 2014
Second scientific and practical conference ‘Introduction of Carbon Nanostructured Implants into Clinical Practice: Preliminary Results and Prospects’
28 november 2014
28 october 2014
Meeting of the Academic Council of the N. N. Priorov Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
28 october 2014
19 november 2014
Article ‘Carbon – new dimensions to its application in medicine’ published in the Medical Newspaper
19 november 2014
28 october 2014
Agreement signed between NanoTechMed Plus and the N. N. Priorov Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
28 october 2014
7 october 2014
5th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference in Dubna
7 october 2014
25 september 2014
Unique surgery on the implantation of a CNI performed in the Leningrad Regional Hospital
25 september 2014
22 september 2014
The Government of Leningrad region signed an agreement with NanoTechMed Plus
22 september 2014
9 july 2014
Surgeries with the use of carbon nanostructured implants performed in Samara
9 july 2014
16 may 2014
Meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Economic Modernisation and Innovative Development of Russia
16 may 2014
7 april 2014
Contract signed with the Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
7 april 2014
28 march 2014
Agreement signed with the Samara Regional Clinical Hospital n.a. M. I. Kalinin
28 march 2014
15 march 2014
Agreement on joint activities signed with the M.A. Tverye Medico-Sanitary Unit № 9 of Perm Krai
15 march 2014
3 march 2014
Agreement signed with the City Clinical Hospital № 3 (Volgograd)
3 march 2014
27 december 2014
Agreement signed with the Ural State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
27 december 2014
13 december 2013
First scientific and practical conference ‘Prospects of the Introduction of Carbon Nanostructured Implants into Clinical Practice’
13 december 2013